Follow up closing event
During the closing event, ENTRANTS outputs were presented. >Read more<

Farewell (for now) to our wonderful Erasmus+ ENTRANTS Europe project team!
Our last meeting took place. It really has been a great pleasure to work with everyone, and bring together our cross-European learning on supporting student transition with Birmingham City University, University of Duisburg-Essen, FH Oberösterreich and the European Studen Union. >Read more<

Staff training in Linz | 22.05. to 24.05.2023
At the staff training in May 2023, colleagues from Linz, Birmingham and Duisburg-Essen focused on how to strengthen the sense of belonging of beginner students. >Read more<

International Student Advisory Group Meeting
In order to get to know the students’ wishes and needs around the topic “new on campus – what to do”, the BCU team organised an international online workshop together with the members of the ENTRANTS project team. The session was held on Tuesday 18 May 2021 and had staff and students from various universities as participants. >Read more<

How was your first semester? – A Europe-wide survey
Considering the current circumstances, it certainly was not the easiest of times to start out in higher education. Therefore, we’d like to find out what the first semester was like for the students and what experiences they had. In the “ENTRANTS” project, we have set ourselves the goal of improving the information offered to students at higher education institutions and thus increasing students’ sense of belonging. >Read more<

Students as experts – First Student Advisory Group online meeting
The EU project ENTRANTS aims to increase the sense of belonging of (first-year) students. As a project group, we have an idea of what campus life is like, but our students are the experts. Therefore, student participation is essential to the outcome and the success of the project. >Read more<
Enhancing the transition of non-traditional students
4 partners are part of the new Erasmus plus project -ENTRANTS. The project started in October 2020 and will at increase student success for vulnerable student groups by developing measures to increase their sense of belonging at higher education institutions while at the same time avoiding the triggering of “Othering”-mechanisms of these groups. >Read more<